Friday, January 22, 2010

Ca va tout le monde?

whats up Lilies? i guess we are all working towards achieving our goals this year. Like my good friend just said this month is fast ending, and that's how this year is going to be......its time to start making it, and working towards your achievements, no procrastination allowed.
Anyway, its so funny how much you learn when you travel and your in you find yourself with different people, different believes and faith. Yesterday i meet for the first time in my life a colombian, very funny little girl, just 18 and she has crossed the world to come and achieve her dreams...... i thought to myself: what was i thinking of when i was her age...... i never thought of traveling or living my "so called life of security"... i was still maybe sucking my mothers traveling wasn't in my agenda, i just wanted to go to university, get a degree and after that work, marry, have kids and retire when i am 60.........i had this mentality for a while and i felt it was the best... but i realized that God has made all of us in his own image, with dreams and talents imbedded in us. These dreams and talents are usually supressed maybe because of our religion, our native beliefs........
I have learnt that God is not like that, God wants us as women to have dreams and achieve them...... i was asked this question how can a woman have a career and a family at the same time? honestly its almost impossible, but i have realized that being created in God's imagine, makes us superwomen..... and women everywhere have the ability to be multitasking.........think about it....... you can do all things........
notez bien: " marriage is not the end of your dream, instead its the beginning".....
take care of yourself and we will chat later........
p.s..... have a fantastic weekend and please try something extraordinary this weekend.......