Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Story Worth Sharing

Somebody put this on facebook and I thought I should share this with you...In her own words...
Alabi Anastasia:

My boss told us today how his friend (though a tough choice) gave a widow all the money he had (#16,000 i.e. $105 for school fees and feeding, the widow cried and thanked him. He felt good inside but scared and broke but he trusted God. That same evening a friend visited him and gave him a million naira cheque (i.e. $6700) just 2 "HOLD BODY".......

When I read this I screamed..whoa....Really how can God be this miraculous. Will it have been easy for me to do what this man did? Would I have been able to trust God wholeheartedly? Would I have given the widow or would I have held on to the 16k, especially during this christmas period.....

This is the season of giving, no matter how little make sure you give to touch someone's heart...

Notez Bien: " Please help me I am stuck....What christmas present can I buy for my mother in law...something inexpensive and lovely....Please help....


  1. The gift for a M-I-L depends on her taste. Your options include jewelries, wristwatch, mobile phone,kitchenware. etc

  2. Wemon always like jewery. Good story on trusting in God as our provider.
    I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

  3. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  4. @ covnitkepr1 thank you will follow your blog asap. And yes its really good to trust God no matter what
    @Lloyd thank you i am checking your blog and becoming a follower asap.

  5. i know this is too late fo me to suggest african artifacts or jewellery so now i wonder what you got her. happy new year Tamu. May Gods blessings be upon you this coming year

  6. Lol my dear Mbabazi thanks. she isn't even around so i will get her a perfume. new year make a lovely dish of fried rice, with spicy chicken i know she likes that a lot and take it to her.
    Thanks everyone for suggestions i appreciate...happy new year in like a few hours
