Monday, July 16, 2012

I have a Sad Face Today

Hi everyone!!! Can you remember when I told you that my laptop crashed and I was so scared I had lost all my data? I am sure you can. Well I guess I have done that. With no back up plan my hardware has crashed and I am told, to retrieve my data I will have to spend $650 that is #105,300 naira. That's the price  of a new laptop. I am not bothered about the laptop at least I can work without one for a while till I get a new one or just buy a new one if the money is available but: "my work". There are a lot of short stories I had written and decided that I was going to work on them again and put them up for some writers competition. I have three complete books even thought they haven't been professionally edited, I have completely lost the second one which is absolutely so dear to me and actually the one I want published first. I didn't email it to Temi like I always do, or to anybody, so that is it. If I want that book out I have to start writing it all over again, its about 56k words.
I really don't know what to do, I have shed a couple of tears, but oh well I will have to learn to back up my data from now on. I will give myself this week or maybe this month to settle down and start rewriting that story again. I just have to let it out. I guess maybe my plans of coming out with a book this year will not work.

This is my lamentations for today. I am sulking and crying at the same time.
Thank you guys for listening to me.
Do have a lovely day.


  1. Very sorry to hear of your loss! Maybe when you settle down and start writing your book again, the good Lord will bring it back to memory and make it better than the first draft. Just make sure at the very least you place your files on a flash drive so at least you have it in two places.


  2. Really sorry about what happened. I can understand how you feel.
    I'll go with putting your files on a flash drive next time in addition to sending them to an email address.

  3. awww....really feel sad for you,I've lost all my dat before due to someone's carelessness and I cried so bad,sorry dear,you'll get over it *huggssss*

  4. what words of comfort can i offer to you hmmm....i now how it is to lose a work and gosh!!!!> can be so painful...but dont'll rise above this and even write better ones ummm..xo

  5. Really sad
    I dont even know what to say
    Maybe this is a chance to explore a new writing style.........?

    1. that is true. I have decided to drop and start another novel entirely.

  6. Awww sorry dear....this is a reminder for me to backup my data

  7. Hoooo nooooo :( sorry love... I think you should retrieve the data for the sake of the book.

    1. thanks 9jaFOODie. I guess i will but for now i have just left it. Don't want to think about it

  8. Sorry dearie. Been there so understand how you feel. Please get an external disc drive to backup all your documents to forestall re-occurrence.

    A little digression, please can someone work on the online writers' forum, where 'upcoming' / 'aspiring' writers can come to share ideas and inspirations?
    If you want me on it, let's discuss. (


    1. thank you. I already sent you a mail. i am interested. hope to hear from you soon

  9. awwwww....i would pro'ly be unconscious for days from shock if that ever happened to my phone. sorry,hun
